• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: Mariagarzon150219
  • hace 6 años

It 1 (be) about a man who 2 (climb) Mount
Everest, but really nothing 3 (happen) in the flm.
2. I 4 (want) to learn how to make wood boxes, but all
we 5 (make) were signs with our names on them. 3. We 6 (visit) the castle and 7 (swim) in the ocean. At night we 8 (eat) delicious seafood in the old walled city.
4. We 9 (see) lots of fsh and I 10 (take) lots of photos of sharks and strange sea animals.


Respuesta dada por: Luce20


te deje todos los verbos en pasado :)


1 was

2 climbed

3 happened

4 wanted

5 made

6 visited

7 swam

8 ate

9 saw

10 took

karenzam2311: gracias
karenzam2311: ❤️❤️❤️❤️
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