• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: paulauwu74
  • hace 6 años

Complete las oraciones con la forma verbal correspondiente:
My mother
at the office (work)
Mary and I always
English (Study)
I never
soccer (play)
The cat sometimes
water (drink)
My dog never
in the kitchen (sleep)
the homework at five o'clock (do)
We usually
to bed at 10 p.m. (go)
My friend
in Bogota (live)
You never
late (get up)
The children usually
video games at Home
Escriba las oraciones anteriores en forma negativa usando auxiliares don't y


Respuesta dada por: queenaura0702


My mother work at the office

Mary and I always study English

I never play soccer

The cat sometimes drink water

My dog never sleep in the kitchen

Do the homework at five o'clock  

We usually go to bed at 10 p.m.

My friend live in Bogota

You never get up late

Uso del ¨don't y doesn't¨

My mother don't work at the office  

Mary and I don't study English  

I don't play soccer  

The cat doesn't sometimes drink water  

My dog never sleep in the kitchen

Don't the homework at five o'clock  

We don't usually go to bed at 10 p.m.

My friend don't live in Bogota  

You don't get up late

Respuesta dada por: alejandro6983


  • My mother work at the office(work) traducción mi mamá trabaja en la oficina
  • Mary and I always study english(study) traducción Mary y yo siempre estudiamos ingles
  • I never play soccer(play) traducción yo nunca juego futbol
  • The cat sometimes drink water (drink) traducción el gato aveces toma agua
  • My dog never sleep in the kitchen(sleep) traducción mi perro nunca duerme en la cocina
  • The homework do at five o'clock (do) traduccion la tarea se hace a las 5 en punto
  • We usually go to bed at 10 p.m. (go) traducción nosotros normalmente vamos a la cama a las 10 P. M
  • My friend live in Bogotá (live) traducción mi amigo vive en Bogota
  • You never get up late (get up) traducción nunca te levantas tarde
  • The children usually play video games at the home(play)

Oraciones anteriores en forma negativa:

  • My mother doesnt work at the office(work)
  • Mary and I don't always study english(study)
  • I dont never play soccer(play)
  • The cat sometimes don't drink water(drink)
  • My dog don't never sleep in the kitchen(sleep)
  • The homework don't do at five o'clock(do)
  • We don't usually go to bed at 10 P.m ( go)
  • My friend don't live in Bogota(live)
  • You don't never get up late (get up)
  • The children don't usually play video games at the homes

Nota: las oraciones negativas no estoy seuyro de que estén bien echas

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