• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: lalarivas0910
  • hace 6 años

Utiliza el pronombre posesivo y escribelo en la línea teniendo en cuenta las palabras en paréntesis. 1. The book is his. (John) 2. I think we should go in ____. (The boy's car) 3. That house is ____. (Kathy) 4. Do you hear the telephone? I think it's ____. (my telephone) 5. I'm sure it's ____. (the computer that belongs to my sister and me) ayudame porfavor !


Respuesta dada por: estrellafugazthe100
2) i think we should go in his car
3) that house is her’s (creo q se agregaría la “s”)
4) do you hear the telephone? i think it’s mine
5) i’m sure it’s her computer
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