2. Traduce el texto una línea en inglés y la que sigue en español, luego completa los espacios en blanco con las palabras
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Biodiversity in Colombia
The national symbols of Colombia illustrate the country's unique 1 biodiversity. The national
tree of Colombia is the wax?__that grows in the Cocora valley in Quindio. It is the
tallest in the world. Another symbol is a beautiful called Cattleya trianae or May
flower. The national
is the Andean
which is the largest flying bird in the
worid. There are many other interesting facts about Colombia's natural resources, for example,
Colombia has a wide variety of such as the golden poison frog, the world's most
poisonous animal, which lives in the pacific rainforest of Colombia, Colombia has also confirmed
the presence of the blue-bearded helmet crest, a very rare?
Scientists thought these
little birds were extinct, but they are living in the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta! traducirlo a español
Biodiversidad en colombia
Los símbolos nacionales de Colombia ilustran la singular biodiversidad del país. El Nacional
El árbol de Colombia es la cera que crece en el valle de Cocora en Quindío. Es el
más alto del mundo Otro símbolo es una hermosa llamada Cattleya trianae o May
flor. El Nacional
es el andino
que es el ave voladora más grande del
worid Hay muchos otros datos interesantes sobre los recursos naturales de Colombia, por ejemplo,
Colombia tiene una gran variedad de, como la rana venenosa dorada, la más grande del mundo
animal venenoso, que vive en la selva pacífica de Colombia, Colombia también ha confirmado
La presencia de la cresta del casco de barba azul, una muy rara?
Los científicos pensaron que estos
¡los pajaritos se extinguieron, pero viven en la Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta! traducirlo a español
Espero ayudar me das corona
Biodiversity in Colombia
Colombia's national symbols illustrate the country's unique biodiversity. The National
The Colombian tree is the wax that grows in the Cocora Valley in Quindío. Is he
tallest in the world Another symbol is a beautiful one called Cattleya trianae or May
flower. The National
is the andean
which is the largest flying bird in the world
worid There are many other interesting facts about Colombia's natural resources, for example,
Colombia has a wide variety of, such as the golden poison frog, the largest in the world
poisonous animal, which lives in the Pacific jungle of Colombia, Colombia has also confirmed
The presence of the bluebeard helmet crest, a very rare one?
Scientists thought that these
The little birds are extinct, but they live in the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta! translate it to spanish
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