• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: pedrodavid833
  • hace 6 años

ES PARA YA POR FA Chosse how mucho r how many, to complete the sentences correctly. Luego dando su respectiva traducción y respondiendo en forma positiva en inglés. 1. ________________ apples have you got? ______________________________________________________________ 2. ________________bread have we got? ______________________________________________________________ 3. ________________ chairs do you need for the party? ______________________________________________________________ 4. ________________ wáter do you drink a day? ______________________________________________________________ 5. ________________ sugar did you put inyour coffee? ______________________________________________________________ 6. ________________ bottles of orange juice do we have? ______________________________________________________________ 7. ________________ seasons are there in a year? _____________________________________________________________ 8. ________________ students are there in your class? _____________________________________________________________ 9. ________________ cars are there in the garaje? _____________________________________________________________ 10. ________________ people are going to the concert? _____________________________________________________________

pedrodavid833: por fa ayuda


Respuesta dada por: Ariichy45

1. How many.

2. How much.

3. How many.

4. How much.

5. How much.

6. How many.

7. How many.

8. How many.

9. How many.

10. How many.

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