• Asignatura: Arte
  • Autor: Alexandra16051007p
  • hace 7 años

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moises72003: Peruvian superfood: Sacha inchi seed


Respuesta dada por: moises72003


Peruvian superfood: Sacha inchi seed


It is an oil plant native to the Peruvian Amazon, known worldwide as the "Inca peanut", for its enormous importance during the Inca empire. Also known as "mountain peanuts".

it is a hermaphrodite plant, of fickle growth, abundant leaves and branches, it has a height of 2 m; alternate and heart-shaped leaves; fruto de color verde, marrón negruzco al madurar; semillas de color marrón oscuro, con notorias nervaduras ovales.

The Sacha Inchi seed has unique properties that make it coveted, it is one of the most powerful weapons to face and overcome diseases or ailments of the organism. It contains anti-inflammatory properties, being useful for people suffering from arthritis, rheumatism and osteoporosis. On the other hand, it is effective for skin and hair care.

This plant has a large amount of antioxidants, vitamin A and vitamin E. It also has a high index of omega 3 (more than 48%), omega 6 (36%) and omega 9 (8%). On the other hand, it has 93.6% protein and essential amino acids, the same that are not produced by the body and must be consumed to maintain good health.  

Try it, it is delicious and healthy for our body.

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