• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: techlive38
  • hace 6 años

1. Un antónimo de Bored is ... A. Glad. B. Abandoned. C. Lonely. D. Depressed. 2. I look a ghost. I am... escoja la palabra correcta para completar la oración. A. Bored. B. Spooked. C. Mad. D. Lonely. 3. He feels ... because of his birthday´s party. A. Furious. B. Happy. C. Sad. D. Bored. 4. Un sinónimo de Surprised is ... A. Startled. B. Joyful. C. Proud. D. Furious. 5. Un sinónimo de Scared is ... A. Boring. B. Alarmed. C. Sad. D. Powerful. Ayuda porfis es para hoy toca entregarlo en menos de media hora pls.

ilianforero: hola, yo se las respuestas, pero no me deja responder
ilianforero: 1. depressed
ilianforero: 2. spooked 3. happy 4. startled 5.alarmed
ilianforero: de nada :)
techlive38: Graciaaaas
techlive38: Una estuvo mal pero bn gracias fue buena nota
techlive38: Osea te salio un punto mal
Anónimo: yasuri asencios


Respuesta dada por: jotasito


1. Let´s learn. 2. Let´s start ... b) I have friends in Chicago. c) He drinks too coffee in the morning. d) Janet has


techlive38: Wtf?
Respuesta dada por: Anónimo


                                  THE EMOTIONS


The correct alternative is a)


An antonym de Bored is...

Alternatives are analyzed:

- Glad is an antonym to boring. Therefore it is the correct alternative.

- Abandoned, lonely, depressed are synonyms for boring.


The correct alternative is b)


I look a ghost. I am...

Alternatives are analyzed:

- Bored and lonely may be the right alternative.

- Spooked is the right alternative.

- Mad is not the right emotion for that moment.


The correct alternative is b)


He feels ... because of his birthday´s party.

Alternatives are analyzed:

- Furious, sad and bored is not the right emotion for that moment.

- Happy is the right alternative.


The correct alternative is a)


A synonym for surprised is ...

Alternatives are analyzed:

- Startled is a synonym for surprised. Therefore it is the correct alternative.


The correct alternative is b)


A synonym for scared is ...

Alternatives are analyzed:

-Alarmed is a synonym for frightened. Therefore it is the correct alternative.

I hope I have helped you a lot, have a good day.


Novatoel1: Muchas gracias.
anitta200: Hola Kpena1220 me podrías ayudar en una atarea de matemáticas? plis
anitta200: Entra a mi perfil
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