este es el texto de .marija
Hello! My name's Marija Kuzma and 1(1) __come
from Zagreb, the capital city of Croatia. I'm 20, and i
(2)_'m studyng____medicine at the University of Zagreb,
The course (3)__lasts____six years, and it's all In
English! It's hard work, but I (4)__'m ejoying___it a lot
1 (5)_live_____at home with my mother, father, and
grandmother: I can speak three foreign languages
English, French, and Italian. I (6)_speak_Italian because my grandmother's from Italy.
and she always (7) __spoke_to me in
Italian when I was very young. I speak
English because I (8)_went___to an
English-speaking high school.
After I graduate, 1 (9)_'m going to work__for
Médecins sans Frontières in West Africa,
because I want to travel and help
1. Ejemplos (no se cuantos son así que puse uno de cada uno):
Texto de Marija:
. I'm studying medicine at the University of Zagreb (presente)
. I'm going to work for Médecins sans Frontières in West Africa (futuro)
. I went to an English-speaking high school. (pasado)
Texto de Jim:
. I live in a village just outside the city (presente)
. I'm going to visit them for six months (futuro)
. My wife died three years ago (pasado)
2. Los tiempos verbales que se utilizan son presente simple y presente continuo. Las diferencias son que una indica una actividad permanente (she lives) y la otra indica una situación temporal (she's living) y también se forman de manera diferente, en presente simple la tercera persona lleva S al final y en presente continuo se forma con el verbo+ing
3. Who? (¿Quién?) - Jack
Where? (¿Dónde?) - New York
When? (¿Cuándo?) - Last night
Why? (¿Por qué?) - Because I wanted to
How many? (¿Cuántos?) - Four
How much? (¿Cuánto?) - $5
How? (¿Cómo?) - By bus
Whose? (¿De quién?) - It's mine
Which? (¿Cuál?) - The black one