• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: Mildredavendano02010
  • hace 6 años

5 oraciones en pasado simple afirmativas, 5 en pasado simple negativas, 5 en pasado simple interrogativas y que todas tengan when o while no se cual sea pero necesito que lo contengan porfavor, es para recuperar unos puntos en mi materia


Respuesta dada por: jepalaciohernandez


1. You didn't work very hard last week.

2. She didn't live in Japan last year.

3. They didn't learn how to swim two years ago.

4. She didn't like to sit in the sun.

5. He didn't walk to school.

1. I travelled aroung your country last summer.

2. Yesterday I met your husband at the cinema.

3. He was the man who saved my life.

4. We went by bus in that occasion.

5. I bought this car in January.

1. Did you see his face?

2. Did she go to Paris in august of 2008?

3. Where did you buy those chocolates?

4. Did you see the new building in the centre?

5. Did she want to learn French?


Mildredavendano02010: gracias
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