• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: Anónimo
  • hace 7 años



Respuesta dada por: stanley60


1. I have been working for this company for ten years.

2. I have been traveling around the world since November of last year.

3. She has been going from home to work every day since one month ago.

4. They have been saying that what you said is wrong.

5. I have been doing my job correctly.

6. He has been playing football since he is fifteen years old.

7. We have been talking since three hours ago.

8. You have been telling everybody about my secret.

9. I have been living in this town since I was born.

10. He has been reading the book since he had the homework assigned.

11. I have been writing articles on different topics since morning.

12. They have been fighting for an hour.

13. You have been bothering me for three days.

14. We have been shopping at this fair for two hours

15. She has been finding the dress since morning.


Espero te sirvan.

Respuesta dada por: eslitapalomeque






Para formar el presente perfecto continuo se escribe have been o has been según el sujeto y el verbo principal en con la terminación -ing que corresponde al gerundio:

I have been working (Yo he estado trabajando)

You have been working (Tú has estado trabajando)

He has been working (Él ha estado trabajando)

She has been working (Ella ha estado trabajando)

It has been working (Eso ha estado trabajando)

We have been working (Nosotros hemos estado trabajando)

You have been working (Usted ha estado trabajando)

They have been working (Ellos han estado trabajando)

Las contracciones se usan con frecuencia:

I’ve been working (Yo he estado trabajando)

You’ve been working (Tú has estado trabajando)

He’s been working (Él ha estado trabajando)

She’s been working (Ella ha estado trabajando)

It’s been working (Eso ha estado trabajando)

We’ve been working (Nosotros hemos estado trabajando)

You’ve been working (Usted ha estado trabajando)

They’ve been working (Ellos han estado trabajando)

Ejemplos sin contracción:

I have been working for my uncle. (Yo he estado trabajando para mi tío)

I have to go, we have been talking for more than two hours. (Yo me tengo que ir, nosotros hemos estado hablando por más de dos horas)

We have been visiting them once a week for the last year. (Nosotros los hemos estado visitando una vez por semana durante el último año)

It has been raining all day. (Ha estado lloviendo una vez todo el día)

They have been completing the project for four weeks. (Ellos han estado completando el proyecto durante 4 semanas)

I have been cooking something special for you. (Yo he estado cocinando algo especial para ti)

I have been working in that firm for many years. (Yo he estado trabajando en esa empresa por muchos años)

I have been watching this T.V. show for hours. (Yo he estado viendo este programa de televisión por horas)

He has been reading the book that you gave me yesterday. (El ha estado leyendo el libro que me diste ayer)

She has been talking with him all morning. (Ella ha estado hablando con él toda la mañana)

We have been lending money to you for years. (Nosotros te hemos estado prestando dinero por años)

I have been losing my mind for her since we were at university. (Yo he estado perdiendo la cabeza por ella desde que estábamos en la universidad)

He has been sleeping for more than fourteen hours. (Él ha estado durmiendo por más de catorce horas)

We have been living here for two years. (Nosotros hemos estado viviendo aquí por dos años)

She has been studying German since she was in high school. (Ella ha estado estudiando alemán desde la preparatoria)

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