• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: martincabj001
  • hace 6 años

Look at this conversation between Helen and Dima. Some of the words are missing. Choose the best answer from the options below to complete the sentences. Dima: What did you do (1) __________ the weekend? Helen: I had a really busy time, not like (2) __________ last weekend when I didn't do anything at all. (3) __________ Saturday, I got up (4) __________ 7.30 and went to the airport to meet my aunt. (5) __________ the afternoon we went to a concert in the park. Then, (6) __________ the evening we had a little party for her. So the guests started arriving (7) __________ 8ish and some were still there (8) __________ midnight! Dima: Sounds like you had a great time. Helen: Yes but I'm already looking forward to (9) __________ next weekend just so I can have a quiet time (10) __________ Saturday and Sunday! Options (1) at / in / on / no preposition (2) at / in / on / no preposition (3) At / In / On / no preposition (4) at / in / on / no preposition (5) At / In / On / no preposition (6) at / in / on / no preposition (7) at / in / on / no preposition (8) at / in / on / no preposition (9) at / in / on / no preposition (10) at / in / on / no preposition


Respuesta dada por: Paulo0306


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