• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: sarafortich1990
  • hace 6 años

me ayudan? 3. Circle the corred option. 1. Mary has/ have eaten candy since she was a child. 2. They have played with marbles for/since they were kids. 3. Peter and his brother have already/ yet seen that movie. 4. Have you ever / never been to Jamaica? 5. Has anyone spoke / spoken to the teacher? 6. We has / have swept all the floors today. 7. I haven't went / been to school this week.


Respuesta dada por: ferherbas05

Respuesta: 1.has

2. since

3.  have already

4. Have you ever

5. anyone spoke  

6.  have



espero te haya ayudado :)

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