• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: laurita2020martinez
  • hace 6 años

completa con was o were según corresponda.
1. amon _____walking nis dog
2.alot ot students_____working
3.the boy_____swimMingo
4.i_____jumping on the bed
5.they_____jumping on the ver
6.her baby_____crying


Respuesta dada por: ElDiosYT


There is at shirt...

There are two books...

There is a scarf...

There are four pictures on the...

There are many books...

There is a book...

There is a laptop...

There are some papers...


laurita2020martinez: como así hay me dice que le coloque si es was o were y hay no dice nada en la respuesta
laurita2020martinez: Me explicas¿?
laurita2020martinez: por fiss
Respuesta dada por: Angieanto1678
1. Was
2. Were
3. Was
4. Was
5. Were
6. Was

Estas son las respuestas correctas
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