B: Write the verbs in the Present Simple Passive. Example: Someone cleans the room every day. The room is cleaned every day.
1. We receive a lot of phone calls every day. A lot of phone calls .............................. every day. 2. My wife waters the plants. The plants _______________________________________ 3. The kids do the washing-up. The washing-up __________________________________________ 4. Someone sends me a letter. A letter ______________________________________ 5. They don't deliver the food on Sundays. The food _____________________________________ 6. They don't sell fresh produce every day. Fresh produce _____________________________________ 7. They don't print these books anymore. These books ______________________________________ 8. Mrs Smith doesn't do the cooking. The cooking _______________________________________
1 A lot of phone calls ARE RECEIVED everyday
2 The plants ARE WATERED by Her
3 The washing - up IS DONE by them
4 A letter WAS SENT to me
5 The food IS NOT DELIVERED on Sundays
6 Fresh products ARE NOT SOLD everyday
7 These books ARE NOT PRINTED anymore
8 The cooking IS NOT MADE by her
La voz pasiva en presente se construye: verbo to be en el tiempo verbal correspondiente y el verbo principal en participio pasado; es decir, o bien añadiendo la partícula –ed al verbo si este es regular, o bien mirando el participio pasado en la lista de verbos irregulares si el verbo es irregular.
El objeto directo de la voz activa pasa a ser el sujeto de la voz pasiva + verbo to be afirmstivo o negativo ( segun el caso ) + verbo en participio pasado + by + agente ( es el sujeto de la activa)