• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: prettyvirginia01
  • hace 6 años

perdonen si no se ve :"v


mariajoseh74: nolo veo
XxholaxXx: no se ve :v
mariajoseh74: y dime de que trata
prettyvirginia01: pos es de present simple y present continuo :"v
prettyvirginia01: si quieren le escribo toda la tarea :"v
mariajoseh74: si pofa
prettyvirginia01: Presente simple : Mary usually go to school by bus , Listen! jhon play the violin , i always do my homework after school , they are watching television at the moment , My sister listens to music now , We play football on sundays , Uncle Tom often drives his car , she am cooking in the kitchen , Emma sometimes help her with the housework , I brush my teeth now (eso se tiene que pasar a presente simple )
mariajoseh74: losiento ya me tengo que ir a dormir
prettyvirginia01: presente continuo : Do she visit her grandma every saturday ? , Is you playing computer games right now ? , My brother doesn't like geography , We isn't fighting at the moment , Do your father working in a factory ? , She doesn't learn English at the moment , what time do they getting up ? , I doesn't take the dog for a walk every day , Where are they living ? , Bill doesn't runnig now (eso hay que pasarlo a presente continuo )


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no se wey


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