• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: jheyliAs05
  • hace 6 años

UNDERSTAND - EXERCISE 1 Change the sentences about the dialogue to make them true. Follow the example: There are seven members in Luis’s family. Example: There are two members in Luis’s family / There are seven members in Milagros’s family. SENTENCES: “Lucho” lives with his father. ¨Mila¨ has two sisters ¨Mila¨ lives with her uncle Marco Diego is 9 years old. DATO: ESTO DEPENDE DE LA CONVERSACION: Lucho: Is that your family portrait? Mila: Yes, we are a big family. Lucho: I see, in my house it is just me and my mom. Mila: Look, this is my dad in the red shirt, his name is Andres. My mom is next to him, she has black hair and black eyes. Her name is Marcela, but everyone calls her “Marce”. Lucho: Are those your grandparents? Mila: Yes, Marco and Dina. They are my father’s parents. They have grey hair. Lucho: Oh! I know these two. They are your brothers; Tito and Diego. Mila: Yes, “Tito” is my twin and Diego is only 8 years old. Now, tell me about your mom. Lucho: Her name is Karina, she is really cool! She has short brown hair and green eyes. Mila: I want to meet her!


Respuesta dada por: Anyisita2409


policias de memisi de ledio pelico misias de las de micio de lemisiona de las pemision


Respuesta dada por: Buckeet


Tienes que argumentar tú respuesta de una forma legible XD


Toma awa

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