• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: solcitooooooo
  • hace 10 años

nesesito 10 oraciones 5 cn can y otras 5 cn cold 
ejemplo : 
ask your parents to take you to the cinema .
can you take me to the cinema ?

ask your mum to lend you some money.
can you lend me some money ? 
tiene que ser algo asi ¡


Respuesta dada por: missfotogenia20
can i play soccer with my friends
can i swimm today in the pool
can i play the gitar in the concert
can i use the computer to do mi homerwork
can i drive a new car

could i go to the park today
could i visit my friend
could i go the party tonigh
could i buy a new computer
could i go to the english class
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