The first Amish
families came to America
in 1700s. They were escaping
from religious persecution
in Switzerland and Germany.
The Amish are living as they
lived three hundred years in the past.
Their main trait is the withdrawal of
technology in their lives.
They are farmers who are still working
their lands with horse drawn plows
and milking their cows by hand. They
wear special clothes; you can see men
wearing the traditional black suits, white
shirts and black hats, and girls and single
women wearing long, dark blue or purple
dresses and white caps.
Their simple wooden houses have no
electricity, water comes from a well in the
yard, and their transportation is by horse
drawn wagons. They don't use modern
technology because they believe it can
destroy the most important thing for
them: "their family union". Even today,
they are not using telephones, cars, or
television. Some Arnish traditions are:
They eat together and, after dinner, they
read or tell stories in their native German
There is not divorce for Amish people.
Young people go to typical Amish
schools. The Amish do not talk to
people who often break the law.
las familias vinieron a América
en 1700. Estaban escapando
de la persecución religiosa
en Suiza y Alemania
Los amish viven como ellos
vivió trescientos años en el pasado.
Su rasgo principal es la retirada de
tecnología en sus vidas.
Son agricultores que todavía están trabajando
sus tierras con arados tirados por caballos
y ordeñando sus vacas a mano. Ellos
usar ropa especial; puedes ver hombres
vistiendo los tradicionales trajes negros, blancos
camisas y sombreros negros, y chicas y solteras
mujeres vestidas de largo, azul oscuro o morado
vestidos y gorras blancas.
Sus simples casas de madera no tienen
electricidad, el agua proviene de un pozo en el
patio, y su transporte es a caballo
vagones dibujados No usan moderno
tecnología porque creen que puede
destruir lo más importante para
ellos: "su unión familiar". Incluso hoy,
no usan teléfonos, automóviles o
televisión. Algunas tradiciones arnesas son:
Ellos comen juntos y, después de la cena, ellos
leer o contar historias en su alemán nativo
No hay divorcio para los amish.
Los jóvenes van al típico amish
escuelas. Los amish no le hablan
personas que a menudo violan la ley.