• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: sarabravotellez
  • hace 7 años

Crea una corta historia (en español e inglés) de una hoja donde emplees las expresiones para pedir y aceptar disculpas, en la historia escribes estas expresiones en inglés. plis ayudaa :"v


Respuesta dada por: stefaser28


How do apologies sound?

There are many ways to apologize. Here are some examples:

"Sorry about that hurtful thing I told you."

"I'm sorry I lost your book."

"I was angry, but I shouldn't have insulted you. Sorry."

"Sorry I hurt your feelings."

Sorry for yelling at you.

"I'm really sorry I pushed you when I was angry. It was wrong. I won't do it again."

When should you apologize?

If someone is angry or hurt by something you did, you are going to want to fix things. Here are some times when an apology can make a difference:

If you hurt or made fun of someone, even if you didn't do it on purpose.

If you lost or broke something that belonged to someone else.

If you did something you knew was wrong, like telling a lie or breaking a rule on purpose.

If you didn't do something you had to do, like keep a promise or go back at the right time.

Everyone has to apologize (even adults) when they do something wrong. By doing the right thing and saying "I'm sorry," parents and other adults lead by example. This is how children learn to apologize when they should.

Does apologizing fix everything?

Sometimes a sincere "sorry" fixes everything right away. Other times, it might take a while for someone to overcome angry feelings. Maybe the person needs some time. Even after saying you're sorry, you may still feel bad about what you said or did, but you can send me well for apologizing, fixing the mistake, or deciding to act better.

What if they hurt you?

When someone apologizes to you, you can receive them and be willing to forgive them for what I've been through and move on. Or you may not feel like being friends with that person again right away. If someone keeps hurting you and asking for forgiveness without making an effort to change, you probably don't want to spend more time with that person.

Just because someone apologizes to you doesn't mean you have to be their friend. It is polite to accept and acknowledge an apology, but anything beyond that is up to you.

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