• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: newdextermanone
  • hace 7 años

Write the words which correspond to these definitions.
1 involving or relating to the use of computer technology ______________
2 a computer program that lets you search for information on the Internet ______________
3 a user’s summary of their personal details posted on social networking sites ______________
4 a posting on a social networking site that indicates a user’s current situation, mood, or opinion about something ______________
5 a personal website or web page where you regularly write comments, opinions and links to other sites ______________
6 copying data into a computer’s memory, especially from the Internet ______________
7 transmitting data, such as video or audio material, over the Internet as a continuous flow ______________
8 a central electronic system which can store messages from telephone callers ______________

newdextermanone: No me dieron opciones, nada mas me aparece en la parte superior Technology
jenniffertamayom: ah ok
newdextermanone: Pero ayudame por favor
jenniffertamayom: Bueno intente ayudarte con lo mas o menos entendi
jenniffertamayom: espera
newdextermanone: Creo que estas podrian ser algunas alternativas "blog browser clip hack chat ebook email google download Internet link megabyte network phone program social media store stream text tweet upload virus website YouTube"
jenniffertamayom: LISTO
newdextermanone: Gracias, no tenia idea de como resolver
jenniffertamayom: ok
jenniffertamayom: de nada


Respuesta dada por: jenniffertamayom


La primera es prgram

La segunda es web broser

La tercera blog

La cuarta social media

La quinta web site

la sexta hack (pero no estoy muy segura)

La septima phone

La octava store(tampoco estoy segura )


newdextermanone: Gracias!!
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