• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: santiagodavidtc12
  • hace 7 años

Write 5 sentences using verbs in past tense about what were you wearing in your vacation trip. Example: Last August Iwent to the beach for three days. I traveled by car. On the beach I wore …


Respuesta dada por: droxxo



Escriba 5 oraciones usando verbos en tiempo pasado sobre lo que llevaba puesto en su viaje de vacaciones. Ejemplo: el pasado agosto fui a la playa por tres días. Yo viajé en auto. En la playa que llevaba

Respuesta dada por: bejaranosarah25


I hope this will be util for you. ¡Cheers!


1. Last week I went with my family to the field and we stayed there all the week. On the field I wore  peasant clothing, and sometimes like a small-town.

2. Last year, in christmas my family and me visited U.S.A, in that time they were in winter season so I wore clothes too warm from the cold, that includes my hat, scarf and gloves.

3. Today in the morning I wore my pajama, but how I have to go to my job, I changed it for a office suit.

4.  3 years ago we went to a mountain in Switzerland, so I wore climbing clothes.

5. Yesterday night I was in a party for my friend's bachelorette party, so my friends and I wore casual clothes, but also party clothes.

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