Culturas mestiza, indígena y negra ACTVIDADES: Lea el subtema: - Los mestizos - Los indígenas - Los afrodescendientes Elabore una tabla comparativa como la siguiente: Aspectos Mestiza Indígena Afro Alimentación Vocabulario Costumbres Tradiciones
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The following paper examines the importance given to the skin color of the people appearing in Venezuelan Elementary School Textbook Illustrations. It aims at unveiling the values, prejudices, and stereotypes remaining in our society's collective subconscious. Particularly, when these educational tools are frequently used in the classroom. To achieve the objective, ideological analysis of iconic textbooks was applied in order to uncover the underlying message. The technique included categories such as skin color, gender, activity, occupation associated to the activity, textbook's last year's edition and school grade to which it is addressed. 10.161 images of human figures, extracted from 42 textbooks, were analyzed. Results showed that despite the Venezuelan society's self-definition as non-racist, there are still some discriminatory features unconsciously expressed in the images in the textbooks. This is thought to reinforce dominant stereotypes and values toward different ethnic groups.