• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: ismaelorlando946
  • hace 7 años

1.A teacher/ tourist guide / biologist is a person who studies plants and animals 2. A hospital / library / museum is a place for the exhibition of things 3. A stadium / grocery store / gas station is a place where where people bugasoline. 4. An art gallery / airport / mall is a place for the exhibition of artistic paintings. A) teacher, hospital, stadium, airport B) tourist guide, library, grocery store, mall C) teacher, library, stadium, gas station, mall D) biologist, museum, gas station, art gallery


Respuesta dada por: Romancs


1)  A biologist

2) A museum

3) A gas station

4) An art gallery


1) Un biologo se dedica al estudio de las plantas y animales

2) En un museo se exiben cosas.

3) En una estacion de gas la gente puede comprar gasolina

4)En una galeria de arte se puede apreciar pinturas artisticas.

Espero te sirva. Saludos

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