• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: Erickp16
  • hace 7 años

1. I ____ _____ (never / be) to Europe. *
5 puntos
have never been
has never been
never have been
2. My mom __ ___ (meet) the president of the US! *
5 puntos
have meet
has met
have met
3. My family ___ ___ (move) four times in my life. *
5 puntos
have move
has moved
have moved
4. It __ ___ (not / rain) in our city this year! *
5 puntos
hasn't rained
haven't rained
have not rain
5. We __ ___ (learn) a lot of new English words in our course so far. *
5 puntos
've learn
've learned
's learned
6. My dog ___ ___ (disappear)! We don´t know where he is! *
5 puntos
have disappear
have disappeared
has disappeared
7. Josh ___ ___ (lose) his smartphone. *
5 puntos
has lost
have lost
has lose
8. Delia ___ ___ (not / come) home. I think she's still at work. *
5 puntos
haven't come
hasn't come
hasn't came


Respuesta dada por: AlexR18


1 have never been

2 has met

3 has moved

4 hasn't rained

5 've learned

6 has disappeared

7 has lost

8 hasn't come

Respuesta dada por: janekka


1. have never been

2. has meet

3. have moved

4. hasn't rained

5. 've learned

6. have disappeared

7. has lost

8. hasn't come


espero este bien y que te ayude ;)

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