• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: dalpaddavid
  • hace 7 años

1. Write the sentences (a-h) in the correct order in the correct email. a). Please email this as soon as possible b). I’m happy to send you the running shoes c.) But you didn’t give me the item number. d. ) Thanks for placing another order with us! e.) We are grateful for your order dated 30th August. f.) Please send asap. g.) We would be delighted to send you the dress immediately. h. )However, we require the correct order number.


Respuesta dada por: mlupita1893p9itx0


Thanks for placing another perder with US! We are grateful for your order dates 30th August I'm happy to send You the running shoes But You don't give me the item number We would be delighted to send You the dress immdiatly However, we require the correct order number Please send asap Please email this as soon as possible


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