• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: viloriatatiana500
  • hace 7 años

Complete las preguntas utilizando DO or DOES.
———cats play football?

——your girl/boyfriend like swimming?

——David Beckham play football for England?
——you want to come with me?

——he always do that?

——they like dogs?

——your father speak German?

——your wife/husband come from Argentina

——Chileans like Tango?

——he sing in the shower?

——your grandmother have a dog? ​


Respuesta dada por: Arixh


1- do

2- does

3- does

4- do

5- does

6- do

7- does

8- does

9- do

10- does

11-  does


Respuesta dada por: arcticmonkeys123


Do cats play football?

Does your girl/boyfriend like swimming?

Does David Beckham play football for England?

Do you want to come with me?

Does he always do that?

Do they like dogs?

Does your father speak German?

Does your wife/husband come from Argentina

Do Chileans like Tango?

Does he sing in the shower?

Does your grandmother have a dog? ​

Espero haber ayudado

por favor márcame como mjeor respuesta

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