Answer the following questions, then draw a picture about how you imagine a HEALTHY COEXISTENCE in family. 1.- What do you know about indigenous families in Ecuador? 2.- Would you like to have a foreigner to share time with your family for a couple of months? 3.-Do you think foreign families are different from Ecuadorian families? Why?
Respuesta:esperó ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤

A continuación responderé las preguntas relacionadas sobre la sana cohexistencia
1.- What do you know about indigenous families in Ecuador?
I know that they are really close, that family is important to them, and the largest group is the Kichwa
On the other hand, I recently read that a nationwide census was conducted 13 indigenous nationalities were found in total according to SIDENPE, however, many of these families are in a situation of vulnerability and malnutrition
It is important that the government treat them immediately
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2.- Would you like to have a foreigner to share time with your family for a couple of months?
Having a foreigner at home sharing with my family for a couple of months would be a unique experience.
This is because we would learn about their culture, their customs, it would open our minds to a culture or a way of life that we do not know.
That is why I can conclude that if I would like to have a foreigner to share time with his family for a couple of months, as long as he is respectful and has good manners.
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3.-Do you think foreign families are different from Ecuadorian families? Why?
I do not believe that foreign families are different from Ecuadorian families, I think that all families have a family structure:
- A father
- A mother
- Sons and daughters
I also think that all families are respectful, they love each other and you can always count on the family regardless of your nationality.
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