• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: andrescarranzasjb
  • hace 7 años

oreciones con el going to

arroyopaola2005: I am going to see you tomorrow. ...
He is going to visit her next week. ...
They are going to eat out tonight. ...
She is going to leave for Europe on Monday. ...
She is going to wait me after the show. ...
I am going to get up early tomorrow. ...
It is going to rain today. ...
You are going to study to be a lawyer.


Respuesta dada por: Unakatnormal123


I am going to see you tomorrow. (Yo voy a verte mañana)

He is going to visit her next week. (Él la va a visitar la siguiente semana)

They are going to eat out tonight. (Ellos van a comer fuera esta noche)

She is going to leave for Europe on Monday. (Ella va a partir a Europa el lunes)

She is going to wait me after the show. (Ella va a esperarme después del espectáculo)

I am going to get up early tomorrow. (Yo voy a levantarme temprano mañana)

It is going to rain today. (Va a llover hoy)

You are going to study to be a lawyer. (Tú vas a estudiar para ser un abogado)

We are going to stay home tonight. (Nosotros vamos a quedarnos en casa en la noche)

Espero q te sirva


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