• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: yvgm
  • hace 7 años

Use the prompts to write sentences using the past perfect and the past simple. 1. The news broke on social media. (everyone already hear it – the news channels report it). 2. I tried to learn Russian, but I gave up. (be the hardest language – I ever study). 3. I saw a mobile phone from the nineties in the museum. (be the biggest mobile phone – I ever see)


Respuesta dada por: colegiopucallpa277



But for the men and women who spent the years of World War II on the top of a New Mexico ... There was a sense of irony in the place-names which had been given ... One did not need to be a poet to appreciate names like the Blood of Christ or the ... While the best physicists in the country struggled as a team to perfect

yvgm: No me ayudo porque lo que colocaste no va con el tema
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