• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: javierlazo
  • hace 7 años

Ayudenme xf estoy en aprietos



Respuesta dada por: CarlosCAV


Te ayudare con algunas


1. If he studies hard, he will pass the exam

2. If you practice everyday, you will play violing very well

3. If she eats too much fast food, she will put on weight

4. He will buy a farm in Alentejo if he erans a lot of money

5. They will get drunk if he drinks too much alcohol

6. If one eats an apple a day, one will keep the doctor away

7. If John does not follow my advice, he will get in trouble

Buena suerte con tu tarea :D

Respuesta dada por: plunav


1. studies / will pass

2. practice / will play

3. eats / will put on

4. will buy / earns

5. will get / drinks

6. eats / will keep

7. doesn't follow / will get

8. finds / will go

9. saves / will buy

10. will go / pass

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