• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: juliana1276
  • hace 7 años

12. Which negative sentence is in the Simple Present? *
1 punto
He not read a book.
He do not reads a book.
He is not reading a book.
He does not read a book.

13. Which negative sentence is in the Simple Present? *
We don't work in a bank.
We do'nt work in a bank.
We does not work in a bank.

14. Which question is in the Simple Present? *
Do she work in an office?
Does she work in an office?
Work she in an office?
Do she works in an office?
Works she in ​


Respuesta dada por: jechuwu9

Respuesta: 12. He does not read a book

13. We don't work in a bank

14. does she work in an office?

Explicación: 12.cuando hablamos con " she, he o it" siempre en negativo  y posivo es con "S"

13. solo it she o it va con "s"

14. esta preguntando por "she" asi que va con "s"

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