• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: Smitgutierrez
  • hace 7 años

Completar las siguientes oraciones con los verbos q estan adentro del parentesis ,recuerda aplicar las reglas q vimos anterirmente Helen___ (wash) her hair every two days My friend___ (try) to cheer me up My mother___ (guide ) me. They___ (offer ) me a CD every chritmas I___(wait) for you whatever happens My mother always___ (divide) the cake in six My family ___ (plan) a trip to theUK every year Mr.harris is the one who usually_____(carry) the heavy boxes to the attic


Respuesta dada por: ashleybarahonap96wnx


washes - tries - guides- offer - wait - divides - plan - carries .


ojala te ayude nwn

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