• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: estefaniaabata21
  • hace 7 años

imagine you won an award in a sport you like and write a short note of a paragraph about that for the newspaper. remembee to use the words from the vocabulary . Imagina que ganaste un premio en un deporte que te gusta y escribe una breve nota de un párrafo sobre eso para el periódico. recuerda usar las palabras del vocabulario Tolerancia, respeto, valores , solidaridad, coexistencia AYUDENME PORFA

merelypulig07: del coelgio guayaquil?
jamieroblox07: Yo soy de ECUADOR el colegio atti II pillahuaso :) octavo B


Respuesta dada por: Isabela12555


I thank you all for the solidarity you have had with me. Thank you for being there, with respect and tolerance, you believed in me to the end. Now we are coexisting with everything that surrounds us, we are one, we can achieve everything that is proposed to us, always with values, just as I managed to make my dreams come true, you can too!

JORDANBABY: Les agradezco a todos por la solidaridad que han tenido conmigo. Gracias por estar allí, con respeto y tolerancia, creyeron en mí hasta el final. Ahora estamos coexistiendo con todo lo que nos rodea, somos uno, podemos lograr todo lo que se nos propone, siempre con valores.
chicanayeli2: muchas gracias
chicanayeli2: muchas gracias
Respuesta dada por: sergioev1414

Nota corta para periódico por haber ganado el balón de oro:

Thanks to God and my family.

Hello, I'm writing this note because I believe that it is important to give credits to all the people that have supported me during my whole career.

I remember when I started training in the team of my neighborhood. My parents always supported me, and although there was little money for food, rent, and utilities, they managed to do even the impossible things so that I could get to train every single day. I always prayed God that I could achieve my dreams. I never imagined I would win the Golden Ball; however, I knew I was never goind to stop till I become a professional football player. Now that I was named the best soccer player in the world, I want to thank my family because obviously without their support I wouldn't had become what I am today, and I want to thank God for never letting me fall and taking care of my family during bad times.

Thanks to my fans for being there, and I will always do my best for all of you.

Espero haberte ayudado

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