Utilizando los siguientes adjetivos describe las imágenes que se encuentran debajo. (en inglés) ojo, no es ubicar los adjetivos, es describir en un párrafo utilizándolos. Tall fast blue slow new slim heavy friendly yellow gray hard
your eyes so beautiful ok! :v
Yesterday I went to the skate park and there was a boy, he was very tall, but the most surprising thing was how fast he was on his skate, the skate was striking, it was blue and it had excellent designs. Compared to him, I am very slow because I am a new at this. When I see an empty track, I go to practice and try to be like that boy. The bad thing is that my skate is a little heavy for me, let's say I'm a kinda slim. Luckily one of my friends came, he is friendly so i was very happy to see him. While we were trying to skate like that cool boy, a yellow with gray ball (like a tennis ball) collided with my skate and that made me hit my head hard. I'm in the hospital now :)
Probablemente no tenga que ver con tu tarea, pero ahí te doy un ejemplo de como usar esas palabras en una descripción. Srry eso fue lo que entendí de tu pregunta