• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: Valefive5
  • hace 7 años

ayuuudaaaa porfavooor



Respuesta dada por: Treadonme

Se usa present perfect en todo el ejercicio.

A How long have you been unemployed?

B I haven't had any job since May. But I have just applied for a job as a waiter.

A You have never worked as a waiter.

B I have helped at a wedding reception two or three times.

A Have they contacted you about their choice yet?

B No, they haven't. Nobody has got/gotten in touch with me since the interview.

A And have you written to them?

B Should I? I haven't found the courage to do that.

A If you haven't done it yet, you should do it as soon as possible.

El participio pasado de got, puede ser got (inglés británico) o gotten (inglés americano)

Valefive5: Muchas graciaaass
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