• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: Micheliss
  • hace 9 años

Un dialogo para asistir a el doctor de 5 personas mama dos hijas doctor y secretaria y luego una queja de la mama asía el consultorio


Respuesta dada por: ashirwin
Mom: Hi, my twin daughters are really sick, I want to check them with a good pediatrician, swill someone help me?
Secretary: Yeah, we have a couple of good peditricians, let me see if one of them is here
Daughter 1: Mom I think I am going to die, my head hurts a lot
Daughter 2: I don't like the hospitals, can we go home?
Mom: You just have to be calm down
Secretary: Doctor Styles will see you in the room 91 
*They go there*
Doctor: Hey, little ones what is going on?
Mom: They are both sick but I don't know what they have
Doctor: Ok, let's start
*Start checking both*
Daughter 1: Doctor, I need to tell you something
Doctor: What is going on?
Daughter 2: We don't want to go to school, we arent sick
Doctor: I need to tell your mother about it
*Doctor come back where the mom was waiting*
Doctor They aren't sick, it's just a joke because they dont want to go to school
Mom: You are the liar here
*Mom takes her daughters out of there and she go to the secretary office*
Mom: That Doctor is a liar, he don't wanna tell me what is going on
Secretary: Keep calm

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