• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: kvera0966
  • hace 7 años

Organiza las palabras en el correcto orden y construye una oración a. of | cup | tea | a | Let’s | have | . | b. car | ? | huge | buying | about | a | What c. go | to | we | cinema | Why | don’t | together | ? | the | d. go | to | we | cinema | Why | don’t | together | ? | the | e. train | the | Madrid | . | could | We | take | to |


Respuesta dada por: estrellasdelfuturo79


a Let's have a cup of tea

b What about buying a huge car?

c Why don't we go to the cinema together?

d Why don't we go to the cinema together?

e We could take the train to Madrid


a Vamos a tomar una taza de té

b Que tal si compramos un carro grande?

c Porque no vamos juntos al cine?

d Porqué no vamos juntos al cine?

e Pudieramos tomar el tren a Madrid

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