• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: ironsaid123
  • hace 7 años

Crear diez oraciones simples usando los verbos comer y beber, con los productos de la lista u otros que usted conozca. Quién me ayuda es para hoy​



Respuesta dada por: Mayulyy


1-Today i will eat an apple for my lunch.

2-She drinks a chocolate milk for her breakfast.

3- Today we are going to eat pasta with lettuce and for desert cherries.

4-My mother usually drinks coffee to be awake for more time.

5-I eat everyday a bread with butter before i go to bed.

6-I wasn't going to eat that chicken!

7-My dog sometimes eats my tomatos when i am not around.

8-I always eat rice with an egg above.

9-They are drinking lemonade.

10-My dad puts sugar in his tea.

ironsaid123: muchas gracias
Mayulyy: De nada, suerte!
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