• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: Carliwisuwu
  • hace 7 años

Ayudenme plissss I. Fill in the correct form of the verb. (affirmative) I´m sure you knew the answer. (to know) You London every year. (to visit) He/She in the park. (to play) We London. (to love) You the test trains. (to drive) They French and German. (to speak) He the test trains. (to drive) Susan Paris. (to love) I London every year. (to visit) After school, we home and do our homework. (to go) The pupils computers. (to use) Emma and Ben French and German. (to speak) I sure you know the answer. (to be) My dad me to school in the car. (to take) The dog in the park. (to play) She ice cream. (to love) He computer games . (to play)


Respuesta dada por: alessyamena


I’m sure you know the answer.

You visit London every year.

He/She plays in the park.

We love London.

You drive the test trains.

They speak French and German.

He drives the test trains.

Susan loves Paris.

I visit London every year.

After school, we go home and do our homework.

The pupils use computers.

Emma and Ben speak French and German.

I am sure you know the answer.

My dad takes me to school in the car.

The dog plays in the park.

She loves ice cream.

He plays computer games.


Pd: con he/she/it el verbo termina en s.

Pd2: asumi que había que rellenar con present simple.

Carliwisuwu: Mil graciaaas <3
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