• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: martinaa2328
  • hace 7 años

Instructions: Put the verbs in brackets in Past simple or Present Perfect.

1. Peter ________ football yesterday. (to play)
2. They_________ the car. It looks new again. (to clean)
3. Last year we ___________ to Italy. (to go)
4. John and Peggy ________ the book. Now they can watch the film.
(just/ to read)
5. I ___________ my friend two days ago. (to meet)
6. We ___________ another country before. (never/ to visit)
7. She ________ a new car in 2011. (to buy)
8. I'm sorry, but I _______________ my homework. (to forget)
9. _________ the game of chess? (win)
10. The girls ___________ their lunch yet. (not/ to eat)


Respuesta dada por: leonelapaza67



1. Peter PLAYED football yesterday. (to play)

2. They CLEANED the car. It looks new again. (to clean)

3. Last year we WENT to Italy. (to go)

4. John and Peggy JUST READ the book. Now they can watch the film.

(just/ to read)

5. I MET my friend two days ago. (to meet)

6. We NEVER VISITED another country before. (never/ to visit)

7. She HAS BUYED a new car in 2011. (to buy)

8. I'm sorry, but I FORGOT my homework. (to forget)

9. HAVE YOU WON the game of chess? (win)

10. The girls HAVE NOT ATE their lunch yet. (not/ to eat)

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