• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: AngieDyA07
  • hace 7 años

Me ayudan por favor :c
underline the personal pronouns in these sentences
1_He is an architect.
2_They are paying attention to their teacher.
3_It is a pen.
4_We are at the house of our grand parents.
5_The dentist is looking at mary's teeth. They are very white.
6_You are not at home.
7_Alice is sad, she wants to go the cinema.
8_I am your teacher. ​


Respuesta dada por: chinininsalinas


tienes que subrrayar los pronombres personales,

1.-  He

2.- They

3.- It

4.- We

5.- They

6.- You

7.- She

8.- I


honestamente no se si debes de subrrayar los "AM" "IS" "ARE"

AngieDyA07: muchas gracias*u*
Respuesta dada por: Fatimaelizabeth02


1 He


3 It

4 We

5 They

6 You

7 She

8 I

9 Am

10 Is

11 Are

ExplicaciónEspero te ayude

AngieDyA07: gracias*-*
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