• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: antoniaion03
  • hace 7 años

Nececito urgentemente un texto que hable de como sera mi vida en el 2080 ( podeis decir lo qie sea mientras no perjudique ) unas 100 palabras en ingles con el futuro will. Pils agredeceria mucho

Tlookgirl13: Espero que te sirva


Respuesta dada por: Tlookgirl13


My Future Life in 2080

Hi everyone, over the years the technology has been advance surprising the world. Also I think that I will be live in a biggest house with 2 dogs and  1 fish.

First, In the living room will have many amazing gadgets like the Smart tv 3D that can help me in the handling of other devices and it has many functions and I will see my movies in very good resolution and the fingerprinting system helps a lot white security.

Also, in the kitchen, there will have an amazing smart refrigerator that works in conjunction with the oven. For when I wont have any ideas to cook, the refrigerator will gives me the recipes, besides that it will informate me about the state of my food.  

The house include intelligent robots as security and they can do your shopping, especially in times of pandemic, where I will should stay at home.

And it only will costs my full 6 year salary!  Super cheap!

917 palabras

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