• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: amenendezgonza
  • hace 7 años

4 Complete these sentences. Use will or would and the present simple or past simple. Example: 0 Look at the sky! If it starts (start) raining, the race will finish (finish) early. 1 I love sports cars. If they __________________ (not be) so expensive, I _________________ (buy) one. 2 Let's go now. If we __________________ (not arrive) there before seven, there __________________ (not be) any tickets left for the rock concert. 3 If the pain (not go) __________________ away soon, I __________________ (call) the doctor. 4 I often imagine being on a desert island. If I (live) __________________ on a small island in the Pacific, I (spend) __________________ all day fishing and sunbathing! 5 If nobody (want) ________________ more ice cream, I ________________ (put) it back in the freezer. 6 I can go to the supermarket on my way home from school. If you __________________ (give) me the money, I __________________ (buy) the things you want. 7 If I __________________ (know) what happened, I __________________ (tell) you, but I have no idea. 8 My little brother hates getting up early in winter. If he __________________ (not have) to go to school in the mornings, he __________________ (get) out of bed until lunchtime. 9 If you ________________ (can) meet any person in history, who __________________ (you/choose)?


Respuesta dada por: MichaelSpymore1

1 I love sports cars. If they ______ (not be) so expensive, I _______ (buy) one.

Answer 1: I love sports cars. If they weren't so expensive, I would buy one.

Translation 1: Me encantan los coches deportivos. Si no fuesen tan caros, yo compraría uno.

2 Let's go now. If we ______ (not arrive) there before seven, there __________ (not be) any tickets left for the rock concert.

Answer 2: Let's go now. If we don't arrive there before seven, there won't be any tickets left for the rock concert.

Translation 2: Vámonos ahora. Si no llegamos allí antes de las siete, no quedarán entradas para el concierto de rock.

3 If the pain (not go) ______ away soon, I ______ (call) the doctor.

Answer 3: If the pain doesn't go away soon, I will call the doctor.

Translation 3: Si el dolor no desaparece pronto, yo llamaré al doctor.

4 I often imagine being on a desert island. If I (live) ______ on a small island in the Pacific, I (spend) __________ all day fishing and sunbathing!

Answer 4: I often imagine being on a desert island. If I lived on a small island in the Pacific, I would spend all day fishing and sunbathing!

Translation 4: A menudo imagino estar en una isla desierta. Si viviera en una pequeña isla en el Pacífico, ¡pasaría todo el día pescando y tomando el sol!

5 If nobody (want) ________ more ice cream, I ________ (put) it back in the freezer.

Answer 5: If nobody wants more ice cream, I will put it back in the freezer.

Translation 5: Si nadie quiere más helado, lo volveré a poner en el congelador.

6 I can go to the supermarket on my way home from school. If you __________ (give) me the money, I _________ (buy) the things you want.  

Answer 6: I can go to the supermarket on my way home from school. If you give me the money, I will buy the things you want.

Translation 6: Puedo ir al supermercado en mi camino a casa desde la escuela, Si me das el dinero, compraré las cosas que tu quieras.

7 If I _________ (know) what happened, I __________ (tell) you, but I have no idea.

Answer 7: If I knew what happened, I would tell you, but I have no idea.

Translation 7: Si yo supiera que ocurrió, te lo diría, pero no tengo ni idea.

8 My little brother hates getting up early in winter. If he __________ (not have) to go to school in the mornings, he __________ (get) out of bed until lunchtime.

Answer 8: My little brother hates getting up early in winter. If he didn't have to go to school in the mornings, he wouldn't get out of bed until lunchtime.

Translation 8: Mi hermano pequeño odia levantarse temprano en invierno. Si él no tuviera que ir al colegio por las mañanas, no saldría de la cama hasta la hora del almuerzo.

9 If you ____ meet any person in history, who __________ (you/choose)?

Answer 9: If you could meet any person in history, who would you choose?

Translation 9: Si pudieras conocer a cualquier persona en la historia, ¿a quién elegirías?

Michael Spymore

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