• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: sofiaruizgarces952
  • hace 7 años

MODAL AUXILIARY VERBS TO EXPRESS RESPONSABILITIES AND OBLIGATIONS Must is a modal auxiliary verb. It expresses a personal obligation, what the speaker thinks is necessary so it’s the opinion of the person speaking. It’s not a real obligation because it’s not imposed from outside.  Dad must stop smoking.  We must visit our uncles this month. We can use must to talk about the present or the future but not about the past. To talk about the past we can use have to. Musn’t is used to express that something is PROHIBITED. HAVE TO: 1. You ______________ wear a tie if you want to go to that restaurant. It's one of their rules! 2. I ______________ go away on business, my boss wants me to visit our firm in Japan. 3. Your daughter may ________________ try on a few different sizes. MUST: 1. Don't be silly, you ______________ take these tablets four times a day ! 2. I ______________ work my English: I want to speak fluently 3. This room is a mess, I really ______________ find time to clean it! USE HAVE TO OR MUST CHANGING THE TENSE IF NEEDED. 1) Yesterday I ________________ finish my Geography project. 2) She will ___________________ wait in line like everyone else. 3) The doctor _____________ get here soon as he can. 4) Do you __________________ work next weekend? 5) I really ________________ remember to post that letter before five o'clock 6) We ______________________ eat fish for dinner. Mom said so! USE HAVE TO OR MUST IN AFIRMATIVE OR NEGATIVE WHEN NEEDED. 1) You _____________________ speak too loud, the baby is sleeping. 2) We _________________ forget to take the chicken out of the freezer. 3) Bicyclists _________________________ remember to signal when they turn. HAVE TO MUST HAVE TO: is NOT an auxiliary verb. It expresses impersonal obligation. The subject of the sentence is obligated to act or to do sth. by an external power (Law, parents rules, job or school rules…). It’s not the subjects idea, it is imposed from outside.  In England you have to drive on the left.  My mother has to work every day. We use all tenses and also with modal auxiliary verbs. Don’t have to is used to express that sth is not required. 4) You ________________________ do that Jane, I'll do it later, don't worry. 5) If you are under 13 you ________________________ get your parents’ permission. 6) Ana, you ____________________ leave your clothes all over the floor like this! 7) You _____________________ eat that if you don’t want to! 8) You _______________________ smoke in Paul’s car or he’ll get very angry with you! 9) You really ______________________ stop driving so fast or you’ll have an accident. 10) We ______________________________ work last night until 8 o'clock.

sofiaruizgarces952: ayudaaa porfavor


Respuesta dada por: capezzio00


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