• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: lucia25371
  • hace 7 años

Complete the sentences. Use the present simple affirmative or negative form of the verbs in brackets. 1 My aunt is French but she _______________________________________________ in Austria. (live) 2 John's parents only _____________________________________________ four days a week! (work) 3 'Where is Agnes today?' 'Sorry, I _____________________________________________.' (not know) 4 Helen _____________________________ Chinese at university. She's good at languages. (learn) 5 My teacher never ____________________________________________ (speak) in Spanish at school.

lucia25371: ayudenme pls


Respuesta dada por: Arixh
Hola, otra vez

1) My aunt is french, but she lives in Austria.
2) John's parents only work four days a week.
3) Where is Agnes today? Sorry, I don’t know.
4) Helen learns chinese at university. She is good at languages.
5) My teacher never speaks in spanish at school.

Espero que te sirva :)
Respuesta dada por: andrealujanlara

1- lives


3- don't know.


5- speaks.


Presente simple tiene 2 auxiliares, Do para I(yo), You (usted, ustedes), we (nosotros) y they (ellos/as). Luego está el Does She (ella), he (él) e It (esto: para cosas y mascotas)

Cuando hablamos en afirmativo de ella, él o esto al verbo le agregamos "s" o "es"

Por ejemplo:

She always goes to the cinema.

He works in a Café.

Si es pregunta no le agregamos la "s" o "es".

Does he work in a Café?

Si negamos tampoco le agregamos:

She doesn't live in Argentina.

Pero si aparece "never" que es "nunca" es así:

He never goes to the gym: él nunca va al gimnasio.

No le agregamos "doesn't" porque ya negamos con el Never.

En cuanto el "Do" al verbo no se le agrega nada, queda como está:

I go to the shopping every days.: Voy al shopping todos los días.

Do you work in a Café?: Trabajas en un café?

They don't know where is the gym: Ellos no saben dónde está el gimnasio.

Espero que te haya servido ❤️.

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