Alguien podría hacerme una conversación larga de dos personas con present perfect tense y past simple tense URGENTE POR FAVOR
Micaela: Hey, Guiliana! How have you been?
Guiliana: Hi, Micaela! I haven't seen you for a long time! *hugs*
Micaela: I've missed you so much all this time, Guiliana. What have you done all these years?
Guiliana: Well, I've done so many things! Firstly, I've studied French for two years, and now I'm looking for a job with my carrier.
Micaela: That sound great! I can't believe you're bilingual!
Guiliana: Yes, I know. And what did you do today? You look so beautiful.
Micaela: Really? Thanks so much! I got a haircut, I was a little bit indecisive, but I thought it would look nice on me.
Guiliana: And you're right. Green hair is a good style to you. We must meeting another day, what do you think?
Micaela: I think so! We gotta go to a restaurant tomorrow, is it ok to you?
Guiliana: It's perfect to me, so, see you tomorrow?
Micaela. Yes, see you tomorrow at 5:00 p.m! Good bye! Have a nice day!