What is a coronavirus?
Coronaviruses are an extensive family of viruses that can cause disease in both animals and humans. In humans, several coronaviruses are known to cause respiratory infections that can range from the common cold to more serious illnesses, such as Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS) and severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS). The most recently discovered coronavirus causes coronavirus disease COVID-19.
What is COVID-19?
COVID-19 is the most recently discovered infectious disease caused by coronavirus. Both this new virus and the disease it causes were unknown before the outbreak in Wuhan, China, in December 2019. COVID-19 is currently a pandemic that affects many countries around the world.
What are the symptoms of COVID-19?
The most common symptoms of COVID-19 are fever, dry cough, and tiredness. Other less frequent symptoms that affect some patients are pain, nasal congestion, headache, conjunctivitis, sore throat, diarrhea, loss of taste or smell, and skin rashes or color changes. on the fingers or toes. These symptoms are generally mild and begin gradually. Some of the infected people only have very mild symptoms.
What should I do if I have symptoms of COVID-19 and when should I seek medical attention?
If you have mild symptoms, such as a mild cough or fever, you generally do not need to seek medical attention. Stay home, isolate yourself and watch your symptoms. Follow national guidelines on self-isolation. However, if you live in an area with malaria (dengue or malaria), it is important that you do not ignore fever. Seek medical help. When you go to the health center, wear a mask if possible, stay at least a meter away from other people and do not touch the surfaces with your hands. In case the sick person is a child, help him follow this advice.
Seek medical attention immediately if you have trouble breathing or feel chest pain or pressure. If possible, call your healthcare provider ahead of time so they can direct you to the right health center.
How is COVID-19 transmitted?
A person can get COVID-19 from contact with someone infected with the virus. The disease is spread mainly from person to person through droplets that come out of an infected person's nose or mouth by coughing, sneezing, or talking. These drops are relatively heavy, do not go very far and fall quickly to the ground. A person can contract COVID-19 by inhaling drops from a person infected with the virus. This is why it is important to stay at least one meter away from others. These drops can fall on objects and surfaces around the person, such as tables, knobs, and railings, so other people can become infected if they touch those objects or surfaces and then touch their eyes, nose, or mouth. Therefore, it is important to wash your hands frequently with soap and water or with an alcohol-based disinfectant.
WHO is reviewing ongoing research into the ways in which COVID-19 spreads and will continue to report on the conclusions that are being drawn.
Is it possible to get COVID-19 by contacting a person who does not have any symptoms?
The main way to spread COVID-19 is through respiratory droplets blown out by someone who coughs or has other symptoms such as fever or tiredness. Many people with COVID-19 have only mild symptoms. This is particularly true in the early stages of the disease. It is possible to get it from someone who only has a mild cough and does not feel sick.
According to some information, people without symptoms can transmit the virus. It is not yet known how often it occurs.
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