• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: grado9bemilyrincon
  • hace 7 años

Solución a estas oraciones the passive voice (simple past) por favor, Las necesito urgente



Respuesta dada por: estrellasdelfuturo79


1 The house was bought by me

2 The doors were painted by her

3 A present was given to him

4 The exercises were were done yesterday by us

5 His old motorcycle was sold by him

6 A mountain was climbed last weekend by them

7 Letters were not received last summer by them

8 Was sugar bought at the supermarket by them ?

9 The car was checked before going to Edinburgh by him

10 The silver was polished yesterday by me

11 The carpets were cleaned last week by him

12 He wasn't helped by me

13 A beautiful picture was drawn at school by me

14 I was given his favourite hat

15 His wallet was lost in this street

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