• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: xavieerbbc
  • hace 7 años

Some people prefer the traditional way of learning – in a classroom, with a teacher and other students. However, more people are turning to studying online. Gonzalo Lopez, who wanted to study business in English, was one of these. His first course was in a classroom, but he realised it might take longer to progress than he thought at first. He couldn’t afford to stay at college and so, having good IT skills, he began an online course. Gonzalo says his online teacher was good, but he doesn’t think studying on your own is as enjoyable as being with your friends in class. Muneera Farzath has another opinion. Sometimes she got to lessons early or stayed on after they finished, because she said it was difficult for her to study with so much happening in the classroom. She didn’t dislike the people in class with her, but says that studying online is more peaceful. Muneera also thinks there are advantages to studying alone with a teacher who has got time just for you. She says she’s a slow learner and the teacher has made some suggestions about maybe buying apps that would help her. After three months studying online, Gonzalo Lopez returned to study at college. Although he had thought the online and college courses were similar, Gonzalo, who is Spanish, found it difficult to study online in English. In the classroom, with English students, it was easier. My personal experience is of studying Arabic in a classroom and online. And I can see the advantages and disadvantages of each type of course. If it's possible for you, I'd recommend doing a bit of both. If you do this, you'll have the best chance of success. 1. Why did Gonzalo change to an online course? Respuesta B to have longer lessons 2. What do we learn about Muneera’s time in the classroom? Respuesta B She found it hard to concentrate. 3. What does Muneera now have which she didn’t have before? Respuesta A a personal one-to-one teacher 4. What problem did Gonzalo have with online studying? Respuesta 5. Which statement explains the writer’s opinion? Respuesta


Respuesta dada por: florpilamunga



Respuesta dada por: nguyentannguyenc


4 What problem did Gonzalo have with online studying?

A the subject

B the course

C the language

5 Which statement explains the writer’s opinion?

A Work hard and you’ll succeed using either way.

B A combination of the two ways of studying is best.

C Most people will turn to learning online in future.


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