• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: lola2596
  • hace 7 años

Put the verb into the past continuos or past simple.

1. A: What was the weather like when you ________ (get) up this morning?
B: It ____________ (rain).

2. A: Was Jane busy when you went to see her?
B: Yes, she ________ (study).

3. A: __________(Paul/call) you this morning?
B: Yes, he ________ (call) while _____________ (have) breakfast.

4. A: Was Tracey at work today?
B: No, she ___________ (not/go) to work. She was ill.
5. A: How fast _________ (you/drive) when the police _________(stop) you?
B: I'm not sure, but __________ (not/drive) very fast.

6. A: (your team / win) ___________ the football match yesterday?
B: The weather was very bad, so ________________(not/play).

7. A: How ___________ (you/break) the window?
B: ____________(play) football. I _______ (kick) the ball and it _____(hit) the window.

8. A: __________ (you/see) Jessica last night?
B: Yes, ___________ (wear) a very nice jacket.
9. A: What _____________(you/do) at 2 o'clock this morning?
B: I was asleep.

10. A: I __________ (lose) my key last night.
B: How ___________ (you/get) into your room?
A: I ____________(climb) in through a window.


Respuesta dada por: Arixh
1) got / was raining
2) was studying
3)Did Paul call/ called/ i was having
4) didn’t go
5) were you driving/stopped
6) Did your team win/ we didn’t play
7) did you break/ I was playing football/ kicked/hit
8) Did you see/ she was wearing
9) were you doing
10) lost/ did you get/ climbed

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